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Explain and visualize how kmeans and kmeans++ work.


How to create animated plots from ggplot2?


Self-define a cross validation function for classifier using R.


Create a KNN classifier using R from scratch.


Basic theories, simulation and visualizations of Multiple Linear Regression.



Term Deposit Subscription Prediction

Use machine learning technique to find business strategies in telemarketing campaigns.

Image Compression with Principal Component Analysis

Use the famous dimension reduction technique, PCA, to compress image size.


Tidy Data with tidyr

tidy dataset allows R’s vectorized nature to shine. Most built-in R functions work with vectors of values. That makes transforming tidy data feel particularly natural.

Data Import with readr

Importing data is an essential step in data modelling. This post discusses about readr package and ways to use functions from it to import data quickly and reproducibly. Writing data to a file is also mentioned.


Tibbles are tweaked data frames but it works better than the old data.frame. The tibble package will be discussed at here.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Learn how to use various plots to unearth the hidden pattern of data during Exploratory Data Analysis.

Introduction to SQL: 5.Advanced Data Filtering

Learn how to combine WHERE clauses to create sophisticated search conditions. Also learn how to use the NOT and IN operators.

Introduction to SQL: 6.Using Wildcard Filtering

Learn what wildcards are, how they are used, and how to perform wildcard searches using the LIKE operator for sophisticated filtering.

Introduction to SQL: 1.Understanding SQL

Learn what SQL is and review some basic database terminology.

Introduction to SQL: 2.Retrieving Data

Learn how to use the SELECT statement to retrieve one or more columns of data from a table. Code commenting and returning distinct values are introduced too.

Introduction to SQL: 3.Sorting Retrieved Data

Learn how to use the SELECT statement’s ORDER BY clause to sort retrieved data as needed.

Introduction to SQL: 4. Filtering Data

Learn how to use the SELECT statement’s WHERE clause to specify search conditions.


related to statistics and machine learnings

These are some of the classes that I took :

  • CSCI 1113 : Intro to C/C++
  • STAT 3032 : Regression and Correlated Data
  • STAT 3701 : Intro to Statistical Computing
  • STAT 4101/ 2 : Theory of Statistics I & II
  • STAT 4051/ 2 : Applied Statistics I & II
  • STAT 4893W : Communication for Statistician
  • STAT 5201 : Sampling Method in Finite Population
  • STAT 5401 : Applied Multivariate Methods
  • STAT 5421 : Analysis of Categorical Data
  • STAT 5511 : Time Series Analysis
  • STAT 5601 : Nonparametric Methods


My CV is available in PDF form.


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